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Serving Food

feeding guidelines for beaglier puppies

For dogs who are a healthy weight and aren’t having accidents in the house, you may be able to use the free-choice feeding method. This means you leave food out all day and let your dog graze. This can be a good method for highly active dogs that are burning more calories than their couch potato friends.

If you are leaving food out all day for your dog to nibble on, use dry food, which won’t spoil. If you have a nursing dog, they will probably be fed by the free-choice method. Dogs who are nursing need many calories to produce a constant flow of milk for their pups.

For the dog who would never stop eating, use the portion control method. First, ask your vet what your dog’s ideal weight is. If you are using commercial dog food, feed your dog the amount printed on the bag that fits with its ideal weight.

Sometimes, however, the suggested amount is more than your dog needs. Your veterinarian can calculate the exact amount to feed.

If you’re not worried about your dog overeating but don’t want to leave the food out all day, use the timed feeding method. This means you give the dog a certain amount of time, like 30 minutes, to eat. When time’s up, throw out whatever they haven’t eaten.