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As compared to other turtle species, the Chinese softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) stands out due to its distinct physical traits. Unlike other turtles, which have hard, bony shells, this one has a leathery, smooth carapace. Because of its olive to brown colouring, its carapace is able to blend quite well with its muddy environments. Because its shell is both smooth and flexible, turtles are able to move quickly and nimbly through water.
The absence of hard, bony scutes from the shells of other turtle species is one distinguishing feature of Pelodiscus sinensis. A thick, leathery skin covers its shell instead, making it lighter and more flexible. In addition to making swimming more efficient, this adaptation helps turtles burrow into soft soils, which is important for thermoregulation and avoiding predators.
The Chinese softshell turtle is able to swim well because of its sleek body. Its webbed feet and tremendous swimming propulsion are the result of its well-adapted limbs. Turtles are able to burrow and dig into the underwater substrate because to their strong front limbs. Being able to burrow is an essential skill for animals to hide from predators and keep themselves at the ideal temperature.
The Pelodiscus sinensis is easily recognisable by its long neck and prominent beak. Turtles are able to breathe underwater because their nostrils are situated at the very tip of their snouts. When waiting to ambush prey or evade predator observation, this adaption is very helpful for being unobtrusive. Specialised evolutionary adaptations for an aquatic existence are shown by the form and function of the turtle's nose.
The turtle can see a wide area above water because to its elevated head posture, yet it stays underneath for the most part. Because of its position, Pelodiscus sinensis is able to see both its predators and its prey with little disturbance. For the turtle's predatory behaviour and general survival, its eyes have evolved to be able to see both underwater and from above.
Pelodiscus sinensis has a softer and more pliable plastron, the bottom of the shell, in comparison to hard-shelled turtles. This quality, together with the turtle's supple carapace, makes it nimble and lightweight. The plastron, in contrast to the darker carapace, is often a lighter shade of yellow or cream, however this might vary from person to person.