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Serving Food

colombian slider turtle fiesta meals

Providing a balanced meal that satisfies the nutritional demands and promotes normal feeding behaviours is essential while feeding Colombian sliders (Trachemys callirostris). For the best results while feeding Colombian sliders, follow these steps:

As a first step towards a healthy diet, provide a wide range of foods. As an omnivore, Colombian sliders consume both plants and animals. Commercial turtle pellets should be a mainstay in their diet. If you want to feed your aquatic turtle the best nutrition possible, it's best to use pellets made for turtles.

Add some fresh, leafy greens to their diet as a second piece of advice. Some examples include spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce, and kale. To make it easy for the turtles to eat these vitamin-and mineral-rich greens, slice them into little, bite-sized pieces.

Thirdly, in their diet, be sure to include a variety of veggies. Fruits and vegetables that fit the bill include cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, and zucchini. For easier eating, cut or grate these veggies coarsely. By providing a variety of veggies, you can make sure that they get all the nutrients they need.

Lastly, as a treat, provide fruits every so often. As an occasional treat, you might serve tiny portions of fruits like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and melons. To avoid choking and consume too much sugar, cut fruits into little pieces.

Fifthly, provide food sources of protein including mealworms, crickets, earthworms, and feeder fish. The development and growth of Colombian sliders depend on these proteins derived from animals. To make sure feeders are getting enough nourishment, they should be gut-loaded or sprinkled with calcium supplements before feeding.

Sixthly, add vitamin D3 and calcium to their diet. To keep metabolic bone disease and calcium shortages at bay, dust their diet with a reptile calcium supplement that contains vitamin D3 many times weekly. Based on their age and food consumption, the manufacturer will advise you on the best dietary supplement to take.

The seventh piece of advice is to keep an eye on how much they eat and change the amount as needed. You should feed adult turtles every other day, but young turtles need their food every day. Never give your pet too much, since it might cause water pollution and health problems. Maintaining water quality requires quick removal of uneaten food.

colombian slider turtle fiesta meals