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Hot: 20 to 30 °C
Cold: 0 to 10 °C
800 to 1.50K USD
150 to 300 PSI
Jump: 2-3 Feet
Run: 25-30 Miles per hour (40-48 km/h)
The origin of the dog is England. The Manchester Terrier's origin can be traced back to the bustling city of Manchester, England, during the 19th century. At that time, rat infestations were a prevalent problem, and there was a need for a capable and agile dog that could efficiently control these vermin. To address this issue, breeders began crossing the Black and Tan Terrier, also known as the Old English Terrier, with the Whippet.
Thе Black and Tan Tеrriеr,' an idle breed,' was a skillеd and fеarlеss rat catchеr. It possеssеd thе tеnacity, quicknеss as well as and conclusion required for hunting vermin.
The Manchester Terrier's history is deeply intertwined with its working abilities and purpose. Bred in the 19th century in England, these dogs were specifically developed for ratting and hunting small game, particularly rats and rabbits. The breed's ancestors were the Black and Tan Terrier, a now-extinct breed known for its rat-catching skills, and Whippets, renowned for their speed and agility.
As working dogs, Manchester Terriers were prized for their intelligence, keen senses, and tenacity when it came to pursuing and capturing vermin. Their small size and compact build allowed them to navigate tight spaces, making them highly effective in ridding homes, barns, and warehouses of rats and other pests. Their alertness, quick reflexes, and inherent prey drive made them excellent hunters.