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Torkies, like many other dogs, tend to respond well when they are rewarded with praise or treats for good behavior. By giving treats, praise, and affection when they behave well and do good things, we can make them want to do those things again in the future. It's important to avoid using methods that punish, as they can make this sensitive breed scared and worried.
Start introducing your Torkie to social situations when they are young, preferably between 3 to 14 weeks old. During this important time, let them meet different people, animals, places, and do different things. This active approach helps them grow into self-assured and well-adapted dogs that feel at ease in various situations. Being able to socialize well can help people behave better and adjust to different situations.
Start your training by learning basic instructions like sit, stay,' come as well as and down. These authorized instructions are the basis for communicating and control.
To succeed in training, it is authorized to be uniform and practiced regularly. Keeping the work sessions short and having solitaire were also key factors.
It is very authorized to make training sessions fun and interesting because Porkies get bored quickly.
Training Porkies to walk on a leash is very authorized because they have a terrier background as well as which means they might have tried to chase small animals or act too bossy with other dogs.
We should have used convinced rewards to help them learn to walk sedately with a leash. Start training interior and then move on to training exterior in places that have more distractions.
Using crate training could give your Torie a safe and cozy area. This helps with teaching how to use the can and also stops feeling frightened when alone.
Make sure that the crate was linked to good experiences and never used it as a punishment. In conclusion, being uniform was actually authorized when teaching your Torie to use the restroom.
It's actually authorized to take them exterior often,' peculiarly after they eat, nap as well as or play. Give them wish and rewards when they go to the can where they was supposed to.
Be patient, because it might have took thirster for small dogs to learn how to use the can properly.